TPC execution model compatible design


Fig: Request routing mechanism in laminarmq nodes using the thred per core execution model.

In the thread per core execution model each thread is responsible for a subset of the partitions. Hence each thread has it's own "Request Router / Partition Manager", "HTTP Server" and a set of partition serving futures. We run multiple such threads on different processor cores.

Now, as discussed before we need to route individual requests to the correct destination thread to ensure request locality. We use a dedicated "Thread Router" eBPF XDP filter to route partition request packets to their destination threads.

The "Thread Router" eBPF XDP filter keeps a eBPF sockmap which contains the sockets where each of the threads listen to for requests. For every incoming request, we route it to its destination thread using this sockmap. Now we can again leverage rendezvous hashing here to determine the thread to be used for a request. We use the partition_id and thread_id for rendezvous hashing. Since all the threads run on different processor cores, they will have similar request handling capacity and hence will have equal weights. Using this, requests belonging to a particular partition will always be routed to the same thread on a particular node. This ensures a high level of request locality.

The remaining components behave as discussed above. Notice how we are able to reuse the same components in a drastically different execution model, as promised before.