General design


Fig: Request routing mechanism in laminarmq nodes using the general execution model.

In our cluster, we have two kinds of requests:

  • membership requests: used by the gossip style service discovery system for maintaining cluster membership.
  • partition requests: used to interact with laminarmq topic partitions.

We use an eBPF XDP filter to classify request packets at the socket layer into membership request packets and partition request packets. Next we use eBPF to route membership packets to a different socket which is exclusively used by the membership management subsystem in that node. The partition request packets are left to flow as is.

Next we have an "HTTP server", which parses the incoming partition request packets from the original socket into valid partition::* requests. For every partition::* request, the HTTP server spawns a future to handle it. This request handler future does the following:

  • Create a new channel (tx, rx) for the request.
  • Send the parsed partition request along with send end of the channel (partition::*, tx) to the "Request Router" over the request router's receiving channel.
  • Await on the recv. end of the channel created by this future for the response. res = rx.await
  • When we receive the response from this future's channel, we serialize it and respond back to the socket we had received the packets from.

Next we have a "Request Router / Partition manager" responsible for routing various requests to the partition serving futures. The request router unit receives both membership::* requests from the membership subsystem and partition::* requests received from the "HTTP server" request handler futures (also called request poller futures from here on since they poll for the response from the channel recv. rx end). The request router unit routes requests as follows:

  • membership::* requests are broadcast to all the partition serving futures
  • (partition::*_request(partition_id_x, …), tx) tuples are routed to their destination partitions using the partition_id.
  • (partition::create(partition_id_x, …), tx) tuples are handled by the request router/ partition manager itself. For this, the request router / partition manager creates a new partition serving future, allocates the required storage units or it and sends and appropriate response on tx.

Finally, the individual partition server futures receive both membership::* and (partition::*, tx) requests as they come to our node and routed. They handle the requests as necessary and send a response back to tx where applicable.